GEN Z demographic
Who is a Cannabis Dispensary’s Target Market...

As a cannabis dispensary owner, manager, or marketer; understanding and connecting with your target demographic is key to success. Knowing which consumers you should focus on to achieve the best results for your business can

How to Keep Up With Cannabis Consumer Trends

Public support and acceptance for the legalization of adult-use cannabis is becoming increasingly mainstream. The consumer base, product preferences, and buying trends are changing rapidly as this happens. If you’re a retail marijuana business, it’s

How Gen Z Will Shape the Future of the Cannabis In...

How the next generation of adults will be cannabis’ biggest consumers Who is Gen Z? Born in 1997 or later, Generation Z is the youngest generation bracket — with the oldest age among them turning

How to Target Baby Boomer Cannabis Customers

Text message marketing can be a powerful tool in your dispensary marketing strategy if used correctly, but a waste of money and, more importantly, the customer’s time if it is not correctly executed. In line