keep an eye out for these features launching soon!

User Permission Roles

User Permission Roles

Adding a built-in way for the retailers to easily select a permission role template and apply it to a user, simplifying the process

Stashboard Enhancement: Clickable Images

Stashboard Enhancement: Clickable Images

Easily direct traffic by attaching URLs to images in the Stashboard so customers can click them

AB Testing

AB Testing

Create AB Testing with campaigns to compare results and curate future content

Native Ecomm Experience

Native Ecomm Experience

Giving customers access to the ecommerce experience directly within the custom native app and web wallet

Home Page for Native App and Web Wallet

Home Page for Native App and Web Wallet

Allow your members to become paid VIP subscribers through your native app

Enchanced Campaign and Autoconnect Reporting

Enchanced Campaign and Autoconnect Reporting

We're expanding your access to reporting on your marketing campaigns and automated messaging