It’s no secret, the world is changing. Whether that’s for better or worse remains to be seen, but what we do know is that with change comes adaptation – that is if you want to stay ahead instead of falling behind.


When a rapidly changing world meets a rapidly changing industry such as the cannabis industry, the need for adaptation when it comes to how you conduct business increases exponentially. 


In our latest article regarding cannabis trends to pay attention to in 2021, we talked about a number of different changes and trends to look out for in 2021 such as the demand for bud with higher levels of THC, legalization, the use of eCommerce, and more. 


With all of these changes, there has to be a change in the approach cannabis retailers take towards marketing their business. If you’re not paying attention to these changes and adapting to these changes, then you could be falling behind. 


In this article, we’ll be talking about 4 cannabis marketing tips for 2021 that will help you adapt to the new state of the world and the cannabis industry.


4 tips for cannabis marketing in 2021


Make sure your digital marketing strategy is up-to-par


The first and arguably the most important thing you’ll want to do when optimizing your marketing strategy for today’s world is this: make sure that you’ve got a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that is able to take advantage of the influx of people that are online. 


Recently, more and more people have been resorting to not only working online, but also shopping online, ordering their groceries, and even ordering cannabis online. This is likely a result of two things. 


The first, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to resort to working remotely and doing other things online. Second, eCommerce in the cannabis industry was already on the rise before the pandemic. The pandemic only helped accelerate its development and popularity. 


Making sure your business and marketing strategy is catering to these things is extremely important. That means making sure that your business is listed on all of the top cannabis eCommerce sites such as Jane, Dutchie, and Weedmaps. 

That also means taking advantage of digital marketing tactics like native and placement ads, as well as ramping up your activity on social media. 


Most importantly, you’ll want to make sure that you stay in contact with your existing customers and let them know how you’re making it easier for them to shop with you in today’s world. For this, text message marketing is critical. 


With text message marketing, you can send target messages to your customers and automate them so that they’re encouraged to shop. In this, communicating to them where they can find your store online is a must. 


Develop media relations 


The next thing you’ll want to make sure you do is make sure that you’re leveraging all possible media relations you can. 

That means doing everything you can to get coverage on things such as print, broadcast, and digital publications. 


Whether it’s a notable cannabis blog, a partnership with a band being announced in a cannabis magazine, or an interview on a podcast, you should be doing whatever you can do to get your name out there through other channels besides your own.


Leverage customer data (more data coming in)


With more people ordering cannabis online and imputing their data into your system, it would be a shame to let all that data go to waste. 

In today’s world, leveraging all of the data you collect is a must. Collecting and analyzing data allows you to do things like segmenting your customers, which helps you curate targeted marketing campaigns.


Collecting and collecting customer data through things like surveys allows you to pinpoint areas in which you are doing well and other areas in which you are struggling. 


Tap into different customer segments


With much more business flowing through online channels and more people being online in general, your target customer base has essentially expanded. Taking advantage of this expanded reach is a must. 


The fact that everyone is online gives you the chance to marketing to a wide variety of people and expand your target customer demographic. Think about what kinds of customers you may be able to tap into now that you may not have been able to reach, and go after them.


How springbig can help 


We know that all of this is easier said than done, which is why we’re here. Springbig has the tools you need to adapt to the new state of the cannabis industry and stay on top. 


When it comes to optimizing your digital marketing strategy, we have tools to help you such as text message marketing. With springbig, you can automate your text message marketing, collect customer data, and stay compliant the whole time. 


Springbig also gives its clients the tools they need to easily collect customer data, segment customers, and develop target marketing campaigns which is made even easier with text message marketing. 


Interested in learning more? Check out our website and our blog!